I discovered BlueCrest University College through a friend who was already enrolled and highly recommended the school for me. My career goal was to become a Public Relations and Advertising expert but BlueCrest offered more than I was looking forward to since my course was embedded in Mass Communication and Journalism. I was skeptical about adding Journalism but after a few days in class, I realized how versatile their Mass Communication and Journalism modules were designed and properly equipped facilities to ensure that you are fully prepared for every sector in the communication and journalism industry that includes; writing, reporting, effective communication, organizational management, broadcasting etc.
I had a great experience at BlueCrest with amazing students of diverse cultures. I was awarded a 75 % scholarship in my third year and that was a relief for my parents since my parents were financially down during that period.

I graduated with a first class in BA Mass Communication and Journalism with a GPA of 3.83 and a valedictorian for the class of 2020.
My plea to others who want to embark on an educational journey in BlueCrest College is to be punctual in class, take assignments and engage in class discussions for the lecturers are ready to explain everything to your understanding.
One thing that cannot be overlooked is the internship opportunities the school offers. It allows you to have field experience and build a strong network with people in your field of study who will guide you professionally. I personally benefited hugely from these internship opportunities as I had the opportunity to work for STRATCOMM Africa where I gained advertising, marketing and public relations skill.
I found myself at Joy News and got a journalistic experience just to mention a few.

A good Communication skill gels well with a decent good appearance, a ready to learn zeal and respect to all lecturers whether they are in your department or not.
Public Relation is the class I enjoyed most. It equipped me with how to relate to people, solve crisis and project myself or any institution I find myself in positively.
Mrs. Eunice Akorfa, my Public Relations lecturer used series of presentations, assignments and real life organizational crises to give us in-depth knowledge on how organizations run and the importance of maintaining good relations with both the internal and external public. I still employ the knowledge I acquired from her in my life and my workplace.
BlueCrest made an enormous impact on me by instilling great work ethics and soft skills for my career advancement.
I have proven competence in writing scripts, public speaking, broadcast, reporting and advertising. I am grateful for the journey because it did not only prepare me for my career path but groomed me to multi-task when it comes to other areas that go hand in hand with my tasks.