BlueCrest College Rector thanked all staff members for supporting the navigation of the COVID situation

BlueCrest College Rector thanked all staff members for supporting the navigation of the COVID situation

BlueCrest College Rector thanked all staff members for supporting the navigation of the COVID situation.

Dr. Anand Agrawal (Rector, BlueCrest College)

The Rector of BlueCrest College, Ghana, Dr. Anand Agrawal thanked all the individuals, teams, all members, organizations, students, parents, and partners associated with the BlueCrest College Ghana.

Dr. Anand expresses his gratitude to the entire organization and also stating how the college has also been able to remain strong and also been able to adapt to the health crisis currently in the world. Please read the full message below.

This message is to acknowledge and convey my heartfelt gratitude, and to thank all the individuals, teams, all members, organizations, students, parents, and partners associated with the BlueCrest College Ghana.

This is a long message as I want to express my gratitude to all. I know my words will never be enough as compared to the passion and commitment we have been seeing in our BlueCrest family members.

We all started a new journey to change and transform the BlueCrest College at the beginning of this year. Many of our colleagues in the college are new and are still finding their roots, while some are veterans in the college with a rich knowledge of our organizational history and the region.

We all faced the challenge of COVID from March this year and as a team, we all have been sailing through this challenge quite confidently now. Our Spring semester is over and the completion of this semester is due to the dedicated efforts by all members of the BlueCrest family.

This family includes all our members, and our faculty members are equally important. All full and part-time faculty members spent their days and burnt their mid-night oil in finding ways to continue teaching activities during the tough situation when we went off campus to teach online. I still remember the online discussions with the full and part-time faculty members who mentioned that they woke up till 2 am in the night to use our LMS or the cases where due to lack of proper internet connection at home, faculty members worked in the cars outside their homes or had to roam around different places in the city to get a better internet connection.

I understand the tough time faced by all the faculty members, both full and part-time faced. Even while facing these challenges, all full and part-time faculty members participated actively in the learning through a structured course taught by our Teaching and Learning Centre on effective Teaching at BlueCrest College. We are glad to see how our faculty members are adopting and getting expertise in online teaching.

The credit also goes to the Teaching and Learning Centre Head and our Deans and HoDs who managed the departments during this tough time with calm minds and strong wills. Thank you to the Deans, HoDs, and all full and part-time faculty members of the BlueCrest Schools.

I would like to mention the office that supports our students — The student services office. All the members of the office worked hard to ensure that our students always remained in touch. I remember the challenges mentioned by our head of the Student’s services regarding the non-availability of proper devices, and the absence of other supporting facilities for them to work efficiently. Despite all these gaps the student services managed all the students’ anxiety and helped students to smoothly complete their semester by patiently listening to their issues, and serving them with care and attention, fulfilling all their demands on time and effectively. Thank you Student Services team.

The registry office and marketing and admissions office always showed their full commitment to the decisions we took. Responding to each student in the long list who were anxious, generating confidence in the students, and solving their queries at this abnormal situation is not easy. But our passionate members of the registry team could guide all to sail through these times with the right winds of their energies. Our Marketing team, all the counselors, tele-callers, graphic design, social media, and internships, placements, and career office continued their work and many times even visited and worked from the campus. I have not seen such dedication in various other places I have worked earlier.

Thank you, registry, marketing, and admissions team.

Our IT services and infrastructure facilities also went to a transformation during this time. Adjusting rapidly to the new needs of supporting online teaching and learning, issues due to working from home, changing configurations at college, constantly dealing with the difficult Internet service providers by regularly following up with them, and timely addressing all the growing needs to manage this disruptive situation was not easy.

But our IT and infrastructure team and all the executives, admin assistants, and lab assistants showed their grit and persistence in providing full support and cooperation in all the fronts. Thank you IT, admin, and facilities team. I am still seeing the constant flow of requests for data from hundreds of students, staff, and faculty members on the slack, and the effective way the team is managing the requests and providing data promptly to all. It is really impressive.

Our library worked with full support and especially in the implementation of e-books and managing Coursera progress. All librarians worked online while providing full dedicated support. The accounts, cash, and finance department worked even on the days when other departments could not come to the campus physically.

The list of students’ payments, checking their records, generating and sending invoices to hundreds of students, and dealing with their requests is a voluminous task that our accounts and finance team has been managing very well. It was not possible to sail through this storm without help from all individuals of the accounts and finance team. Thank you.

Our CPED office geared up with the efforts to launch new online certificate programs at a short notice and adapted well to the post COVID disruptions. It also started the team spirit meetings to keep up the spirits of our BCC members during this challenging time. These team spirit meetings really helped us in uplifting our spirits. COTVET office continued working with the stakeholders and the partnership and collaborations office continued the follow-ups and explorations for the new partnerships using novel ways during this tough time. Thank you to CPED, COTVET, and the partnership and collaborations team.

The Quality Assurance team has been in touch with the mentoring University and accreditation bodies. I noticed how often they had to visit their offices. Also, the usual moderation of the question papers and contributions of the deans and HoDs in these efforts are great. And all this was done while working from home or with limited physical visits is really appreciable.

Our LMS Moodle office worked not only for BCC Ghana but also enabled BCC Liberia and BCC Sierra Leone to gear up with the online teaching. The late-night and even weekend work of the MOODLE office is not forgettable.

During this challenging time, our Postgraduate Office is dealing smoothly with our partnered institute in the UK and while interacting with our Masters’ Students streamlined the process and revived various activities too. It is very appreciable.

Our HR office was not only operational but was making efforts beyond the normal call of duty to interact with all staff members to ensure our staff members health and wellbeing. Our HR helped us like true mothers and caregivers to the BlueCrest family. Even now we can see the regular motivational messages in our emails, an initiative started during the COVID situation.

Thank you LMS, HR, PG, and quality assurance offices for your engagement and continuous support.

Without the support of the academic admins, admin assistants, reception services, and secretaries no plan and efforts can be efficient and no manager can work effectively. I noticed the late evenings and weekend messages asking support from them and all our assistants and secretaries always provided their cooperation without any hesitation. Thank you to all assistants and secretaries.

Cleaners, Drivers, and other support staff members… all played their important roles in this critical time and we can continue working comfortably just because of their full support. Thank you all cleaners, drivers, and support staff members of the college.

The success of any educational institute is not possible without the cooperation and contribution from students and student bodies. I want to thank all students of BlueCrest College, and our SRC office bearers who constantly remained in touch spent hours talking about students’ challenges and motivating all students constantly so that we could face this hurricane of COVID successfully together with the students.

The contribution of SRC, class representative, and all students cannot be understated in any manner. Thank you all. BlueCrest College is very fortunate and glad to have the full confidence of all the parents and guardians of the students who supported their wards to complete the semester online.

The EUREKA Africa group members and the chairperson provided their unconditional support at this tough time when worldwide almost every group and business are facing huge challenges. Without the group support, we could not fare further in this journey.

I hope I have not missed mentioning the support of any staff member, or any office. Let me conclude by saying that we should all feel blessed and proud of our BlueCrest family. We all have been not only operational, but we are also continuing our progress on our strategy and our transformation journey, despite the challenges we are facing. This sailing through this tough time is not at all possible without your dedicated support, your passionate work, and your sincere efforts. Our semester is over and we are now gearing up for the next semester.

This challenge is not over yet, but we are very confident that we will continue navigating successfully because we have excellent dedicated and responsible family members of the Blue Crest family like you all. Our commitment has shown that BlueCrest is a strong family and we will always thrive, continue growing, and we will do well in the face of any challenge or adversity. This confidence flows because of our team effort. Thank you all.

BlueCrest is fortunate to have all of you as our member. Let us continue this journey with the blessings of God. Thank you all and Thank You, God. God bless all.

Dr Anand Agrawal,

Rector, BlueCrest Ghana

BlueCrest College has been a pioneer in introducing technology-based education, online teaching, and blended learning in the region. All the students of the college are successfully completing their semesters using these means during the COVID situation,

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Thank you message from the Rector of BlueCrest College Ghana

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