BlueCrest University College Ghana organized a virtual “Team Spirit Meeting”

BlueCrest University College Ghana organized a virtual “Team Spirit Meeting” for its Executive members. The main objective of this meeting was to appreciate every team lead for their support and dedication during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ever since the Corona Virus outbreak was announced in Ghana, the executive committee members, along with their respective teams, have tirelessly worked on moving the classes online. From preparing online content to on boarding students onto the LMS platform, everyone has done their very best to provide an uninterrupted service to the students.
For most of them it has meant “round the clock” work hours, burning the midnight oil to attend to all student requests, uploading contents and training some of the lecturers, etc.
As of now, every system and all processes are in place and the entire campus is running 100% online!
So, the executive team has decided to catch up for an informal conversation to share their big-ups (victories), slightly-downs (concerns) and anything and everything that matters to them that they want to share with the teammates they are missing. #together-alone
Excerpts from the meeting:
Dr. William Quarmine (Dean, School of Business Administration) started a Movie Script making course in Coursera. The college has recently singed a partnership with Coursera which helps the staff and students to pursue any programs in Coursera platform.
Dr. Shiv Kumar Verma (Dean, School of Technology) learnt a new skill of making a cake. Also, he managed to train his lecturers within a short period of time in moving all the courses online.
Dr. Anand Agrawal (Rector) created a course in Moodle for the Lecturers on Effective Methods of Teaching and Learning along with our TLC lead Ms. Anita Bans. He also managed to join the SFD students and created a team to produce Homemade masks.
Mr. Todd Holcombe, Director of Center for Professional and Entrepreneurship development has completed designing his preparatory course on Entrepreneurship to assist students in gaining access to the renowned entrepreneurial institutes in Ghana. Also, Todd ended the meeting with a soulful guitar song.
As they say, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So the executive team at BCC has started this initiative to spice up their week and build a positive mindset in everyone by giving moral support to each other. We are alone, but still together!